Technology Background
Existing Propulsion Technologies
For a vehicle to develop motion for itself, whether traveling upon land using wheels, within a fluid, such as air or water, or traveling in outerspace, a force must be generated and exerted counter to the direction of travel by the vehicle to promote and then direct this motion.
While traveling in fluids such as air or water, propeller or turbine systems are often employed, such as those used in aircraft and ships. These systems operate to manipulate these fluids by way of compression by placing thrust upon them and generating counter force against the fluid to achieve acceleration and control. This apparatus then pushes or pulls these vehicles along.
A combination of forces derived from the basic propulsion system as well as lifting forces such as a floating ship hull or the wings of an airplane allow these vehicles to maintain buoyancy. This allows aircraft operating within the gaseous biosphere of a planet to change altitude and direction through the manipulation of complex control surfaces. This also, however, places these vehicles in danger of mother nature and acts of God which apparently controls these fluids and sometimes destroys such vessels.
Vehicles traveling upon land may utilize wheels or treads which are designed to gain traction through friction exerted upon the surface of large physical bodies such as planet Earth. Gravimetric force holds these vehicles down upon the surface of such a physical body and then direct protonic friction allows for acceleration, deceleration and control of these vehicles. A mechanical force is applied to the wheels or treads as the primary force to compel movement.
In order to travel in outerspace a vehicle must generate its propulsive force using direct acceleration of molecular compounds to compel and control its motion. Rockets and electric thrusters are the two primary means of propulsion currently employed in space travel. Rocket engines are divided into primary categories of using either solid or liquid fuels. Liquid fueled rockets may be hot rockets, which use burning fluids, or they may use cold fluids, as employed in small attitude control thrusters. Rockets which burn fluids must often also carry oxygen as an oxidizer which requires cryogenic temperatures in order to maintain a liquid state. Cryogenics may also be required for many propellants, such a hydrogen. Solid fuel rockets are notably reliable, but have no restart capabilities and typically burn until they are out of fuel.
All rockets expel gas and possibly solid materials as exhaust. This exhaust pollutes the biosphere of our planet and outerspace. As space travel increases this pollution in outerspace will become problematic, especially when high vehicle speeds are being achieved. Collision with physical bodies at velocity could lead to catastrophic results for a spacecraft. This could come from liquids, gases or solids. Furthermore, rockets are generally considered dangerous to the occupants as well as bystanders. Many of the propellants are highly explosive and extremely toxic. Malfunctions have lead to catastrophes and deaths.
Electric thrusters utilize ions or plasma to generate thrust. Ionic and plasma thrusters create thrust by expelling a jet of fluid or a stream of particles as exhaust. Ionic thrusters are divided into two categories as follows: electrostatic and electromagnetic. Electrostatic ion thrusters take advantage of the Coulomb force to accelerate ions, were electromagnetic ion thrusters use Lorenz force to accelerate ions.
Current ion thruster technology is not designed to work within a non-vacuum environment due to an entanglement issue and a lack of a compensation method to counter this basic problem. Therefore, current ion thrusters technology must only be deployed in outerspace. Furthermore, the power potentials of current ion designs lack substantial thrusting capacity, and are typically measured in milinewtons, to compete with rockets and may not be used to launch a vehicle with enough force to break free of the gravity of Earth. These propulsion systems must be brought to a sufficient altitude away from the gravity of Earth and any large celestial bodies in order to be useful.
Ion thruster technology is commonly compared to rocket technology using the specific impulse paradigm, a calculation method. Specific impulse power is a ratio of thrust to propellant and is used as a convenient means to assess onboard propellant weight requirements and to compare the efficiency of various jet and rocket technologies. However, in the case of ion propulsion this omits the prodigious electrical consumption requirement. Ion thrusters require small amounts of fuel, but a great amount of electricity. This makes it difficult to directly compare these technologies strictly using specific impulse reasoning.
The small thrust potentials of ion systems may be compensated for by firing them for long periods, perhaps days, weeks, months or even years to slowly gather velocity. However, fast stopping would not be possible with an ion thruster where other more powerful forms of deceleration may be required. This also may require a great deal of patience or perhaps exorbitant habitation requirements where humans are traveling within such spacecraft.
Plasma, or electrothermal, thrusters generate thrust by heating a propellant which increases the pressure and expands the gas, driving the energized mass as exhaust. The propellant is electrically heated and the plasma is directed through a nozzle. This provides thrust to move the vehicle. Like ion technology plasma thrusters require large amounts of electricity, and like rockets, plasma thrusters rely upon large amounts of propellant, although they also may produce impressive specific impulse results, they are limited by onboard propellant requirements and must carry or generate electricity. All fuels for current rocket and ion technologies must be mined, refined and transported for use.
Many satisfactory propulsion systems have been developed that allow for vehicle propulsion within a planet’s biosphere. In outerspace, however, propulsion systems have been limited, expensive, and hazardous. One major difference between space travel and travel within a planet’s biosphere is the nature of the medium present in which to gain traction to promote propulsive forces. Within a planet’s biosphere there are often an abundance of fluids present which may be used to gain traction and thereby propulsive forces. In outerspace, however, there does not appear to be any such medium from which to gain traction within a vacuum. Up until now this has greatly limited the potentials for travel in outerspace.
HyperDrive Propulsion Technology
The functions of the HyperDrive cannot be explained using existing, conventional theoretical physics. No existing physical sciences framework provides a satisfactory or useful enough definition of gravity or time to gain the required know-how to build a propulsion system that utilizes gravity. Quantum Mechanics appears to attempt to apply a discrete nature to an apparently analog universe and does not seem to offer a widely agreed-upon understanding of the very basic phenomena of gravity.
Special Relativity and General Relativity do not identify the source of time, electricity or appear to properly explain gravity, and rely heavily upon mathematics, where errors have been found and corrected. Newtonian Physics presents basic and very useful laws but no underlying explanation as to the design of the atomic universe. Therefore, the relevant parts of a new scientific framework, called
Flow Theory, that were used to build the HyperDrive shall be discussed.
With the introduction of Flow Theory in August of 2019, by the inventor of the HyperDrive, it was theorized that such a propulsion system could be developed upon this new scientific framework. This was proved by demonstrations of a prototype HyperDrive motor first developed and tested in March of 2020. The successful firing of the HyperDrive LV1 also proved many of the hypotheses presented in Flow Theory, namely, that there exists a medium in which to gain traction which is present always, even in the vacuum of outerspace. With the HyperDrive propulsive forces may be generated to promote the motion of a vehicle in any environment regardless of the presence of environmental fluids such as air or water.
FLOW THEORY: THE META REALM AXIOM AND A GRAVITY EXPERIMENTMAGNETISM: ELECTRICITY INTERPLAY BETWEEN BODIES IN TWO REALMSFlow Theory (OSF)flowtheory.spaceThe HyperDrive motor is a U.S. patent pending technology, registered application number 63,000,812, 63,113,588, 63,352,533 and 17,214,824